The survey is located at this address and anyone can participate: the absolute protagonist is Legacy of Kain, a series of action RPG with a vampire setting that has been missing from the scene for many years but has remained in the heart of enthusiasts.
Soul Reaver is one of the most popular legacy of Kain offshoots It is also one of the main suspects to return, among the various Crystal Dynamics IPs that have been acquired en masse with the team by the Embracer Group.
The questions are about the most popular features of the series, the tastes of the users on the vampire-based setting, the possible preference between reboot, remake or sequels and which genre could be preferred for a new Legacy game of Kain.
Obviously this is only a cognitive investigation by Crystal Dynamics and Embracer Group, but with the detachment from Square Enix and the acquisition by the new company there seems to be a concrete possibility that the series may return in some form and this survey appears to provide further evidence to support this idea. On the other hand, Embracer Group has clearly stated that they want to focus on sequels, remakes and new games based on the historical franchises.
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