Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
There are fewer and fewer weeks to go before the launch of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, the two games that will take us into the ninth generation of this famous videogame franchise. We have seen several trailers and special events, basics think about the particular way in which the new Wiglett was presented, but apparently there is still something to tell with a new trailer before leaving definitively for a new journey in the region of Paldea.
Between hikes and outings throughout Paldea and Shiny Pokémon, the trailer continues with unedited gameplay sections that show how you will face the challenges against the enemy team of this generation. There is also plenty of space in the open world, with the confirmation that coaches will be free to choose their own path as they like among several different routes. Obviously the battles with the gyms also return, which after several experiments will resume having a more classic path complete with a final Pokémon League to defeat to become the best trainer in the region.
Watch 14 minutes of new details on Pokémon Violet and Scarlet
At this point, there’s not much information Nintendo can share about Pokémon Scarlet and Violet short of just giving us the game already, but it’s sure gonna try. Today, Nintendo released a honking huge 14-minute long trailer, squeezing out the last bit of juicy details ahead of the game’s launch on November 18th.
The informative trailer reminded us of the Paldea region and the unique phenomena of Terastallization by which you can crystalize your pokémon empowering its abilities and potentially changing its type. We also got a glimpse of the new “Let’s Go” command in which a trainer orders its pokémon out into the field to battle other ‘mon in real time. New in Scarlet and Violet is the ability to craft TMs made from materials dropped by defeated or caught pokémon. Having down time with your pokémon is important, and the trailer showed off all the kinds of activities you can do when you’re not coercing sentient creatures to fight for your pleasure. You can play with your pokémon, give them a bath, or craft delicious looking sandwiches that enhance pokémon abilities.
Thinking about it, I wonder if Lechonk or Fidough will have an existential crisis when you feed them a sandwich. Does Fidough know what it’s made of? Does it feel pain when you chomp down on a baguette? Does Lechonk taste its own flesh when you feed it ham? Find out on November 18th when Pokémon Scarlet and Violet launches on the Nintendo Switch.