Overwatch 2
Blizzard developers are making progress with the issues that emerged at the launch of Overwatch 2, including game server instability and crashes, endless queues and failure to transfer progress and cosmetic items from the first Overwatch for many players. Game Director Aaron Keller also reported on Twitter that the game was hit by a second DDoS attack yesterday."We are constantly making progress on server issues and stability, as well as work on a second DDoS attack, "Keller said on Twitter.
A few hours ago, the Blizzard team posted an update on the status of the work on the official Overwatch 2 forums, confirming that some of the problems have been contained. As explained in previous news, the developers have decided to remove SMS protection for many users after the recent controversy.
As for queues, crashes and server instability, the team claims to have solved some of the problems, although many players will probably still experience long waiting times to access the game: "We have fixed some of the problems and we're in the process of fixing the others, but players should still expect to see some queues. "
Overwatch 2 Turning to the failure to transfer progress and cosmetic items from the first Overwatch, the team ensures that "no player data has been deleted or lost". The developers are aiming to release a server-side fix "no earlier than next week" to fix the problem, but already now some players should see improvements in this regard as a bug related to account merging on some consoles has been fixed.
Similarly, the developers confirm that some players may not be able to unlock the new heroes and items as they are misidentified by the game as "new players". In this case it seems that in many cases it is enough to log in again to solve the problem.
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No, You Haven’t Lost Your ‘Overwatch’ Skins, Progress And Other Items In ‘Overwatch 2’
D.Va's EDM skin is one of the best new looks in Overwatch 2. But where are all your skins from ... [+] Overwatch 1?
Blizzard EntertainmentOverwatch 2’s launch issues are rumbling on, just over 36 hours after the game went live. Blizzard is working hard to fix the problems, but some players are still confused about where their cosmetics, progress, currency and other Overwatch 1 items are.
MORE FROM FORBESThe 'Overwatch 2' Team Has Addressed Some Server Issues, But You Should Still Expect Queues For NowBy Kris HoltMany of those who are able to log in have found that some of the the stuff that they unlocked in the original game isn’t in their collection. In particular, the gear they were supposed to have from other platforms after merging their accounts is missing.
You may be wondering: “are all my Overwatch skins gone?” Thankfully, Blizzard says the answer to that is a resounding “no.” (Winston players could be forgiven for saying “all my ape skins gone.” Just this one time.)
It turns out that the account merging process is taking longer than Blizzard expected. It’s planning to deploy a client-side fix (i.e on PC and console) for the issue. However, it’s not able to do that until next week — it didn’t explain why. In the interim, it’s hoping to remedy the problem on the server side.
That’s the reason why skins are missing from player accounts in around half of reported cases. As for the other half, Blizzard says the problem is due to players not completing the account merge process. Make sure to do that if you have accounts on multiple platforms!
If you can, anyway. There are some in-game issues that may have made it difficult for folks to do so. There was a bug that meant the launch build of Overwatch 2 didn’t display the account merge prompt on some consoles. Blizzard has rolled out a fix for one aspect of that, and it’s working to resolve other UI issues.
I’ve had issues with progress and cosmetics too. My Battle Pass progress didn’t carry over from the review build, but that’s getting resolved. On my secondary account (yup, I still have one of those), I was prompted to complete the account merge process. I did, and Overwatch 2 instructed me to restart the game so I could access all features.
When I eventually made it back in, it said on the main menu that my account merge was still queued. I clicked on that and got the same message to restart the game to complete the merge. That was on Tuesday night.
I just checked again on PC, and saw a message that reads as follows: “Your accounts are being prepared for migration. You are currently 160,000 in the migration queue.” I’ve no idea how long it will take until it’s my turn. But that’s progress, at least!
No one, or at least no decent person, wanted all these launch window problems to bubble up. It’s a crappy start for an exciting evolution of Overwatch. Blizzard’s very much on the case, though. You should get your stuff back soon. But if anything’s still missing after this client-side fix goes out, it’s a good idea to file a support ticket.
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