Modern Warfare 2
The arrival of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is getting closer and closer. The new game in the series will be available from October 28 on PlayStation and Xbox consoles, but obviously also on PC. Waiting to get their hands on the new adventure created by Infinity Ward, the publisher has decided to reveal some of the features of the Steam and Battle.net version of the first-person shooter. And yes: beyond the PS5 and Xbox Series S | X versions, that PC looks really next gen.
As reported by Activision, in fact, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on PC will be incredibly performing at the level technical, going to offer 4K graphics and support for Ultra Wide monitors. There is also space for graphic customization options, which will be more than 500, to allow everyone to be able to play without too many problems and optimize the game for their hardware. Anticheat will also be no less: just like for Warzone, Infinity Ward's online multiplayer will also make use of Ricochet, one of the strongest security systems that can be implemented.
To give a first taste of these key features, Activision and Infinity Ward have relaunched a trailer dedicated to the PC version of the shooter. The movie, visible a little further down, is completely in Italian and allows us to take a very quick look at the game that will be available on Steam and Battle.net.| ); }
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s Leaked Camo Challenges Are a Step Forward, But Still Have a Major Problem
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, like any other modern entry in the franchise, will aim to keep players hooked through unlockable content. While Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s shared attachments mean one less thing to grind for, Calling Card challenges, the battle pass, and player levels will all surely be present. As always, though, weapon camo challenges will be the most attractive grind, and thanks to some datamining, fans know what to expect from the new lineup.
While all signs point to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 having a lot of different weapons, ensuring a lengthy grind for mastery camos, the leaks indicate a lineup that is noticeably easier than recent entries. Considering that players will likely need to get Gold on every weapon in a platform for Diamond, and that Damascus could also be coming, this is not a bad thing. However, though it is good that camo challenges will be less demanding, there is one clear issue with the leaked list: mounted kills.
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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s Camo Challenges Being Less Difficult is a Good ThingWhile Call of Duty: Vanguard’s camo challenges were decent, they were an extremely long grind, something that could be said for many Call of Duty titles' camo requirements. Fortunately for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, players are being asked to complete each task less often. While many of the same requirements make a return, like generic kill counts, the amount needed to complete the highest level challenge is lower. For instance, SMGs only require 500 kills in total now. Assault Rifles ask for 800 kills, while pistols only demand 250 and Shotguns fall in between at 400.
Significantly adjusting and lowering the kill requirements depending on the weapon should be great news for players that dislike grinding out higher-skill weapons like Sniper Rifles. Beyond that, all the other challenges are quite fair and are the standard Call of Duty objectives, like getting headshots, longshots, and double kills. One of the best changes sees the killstreak challenge requirement lowered from 5 to 3, which is a huge deal for players that are not skilled at the game. To even go for mastery camos in the past, players needed to be able to regularly get five killstreaks, which was very tough to accomplish with things like melee weapons. Three is far more manageable, which is a big win for accessibility.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s Mounted Kill Challenge is Too RestrictiveHowever, when looking at the leaked list that was spotlighted by Insider Gaming, one red flag instantly becomes clear: mounted kills. While mounting is another strength of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s movement system, forcing players to sit in one place for an extended period of time is a frustrating decision. For rushers, being told to camp behind a piece of cover and avoid objectives can be legitimately painful, and the task is yet another example of Infinity Ward encouraging camping.
Aside from being an extension of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s camping problem, the actual count for the mounted kills is ridiculous for certain categories. While SMGs ask for 50 mounted kills, which is already a lot, players need 100 mounted kills for Assault Rifles. Considering how the rest of the challenge list simplifies things and lowers the difficulty of the tasks, the fact that so many mounted kills are still required is odd. For many, this challenge will be a chore and could make the camo grind far less fun.
Alongside all of this, the Call of Duty: Vanguard innovations for mounting have been done away with, as players can no longer move when mounted. Once players mount in Modern Warfare 2, they are stuck in place. While this can be seen as a balance decision to make mounting a bit detrimental, it will undoubtedly make this challenge even more boring to work on. Hopefully, this datamined camo challenge list is not final, and the mounted kill count at launch will be lower. Infinity Ward could always make adjustments after release, too, possibly swapping mounted kills for something else. With this challenge being heavily disliked in recent years since it forces players into a certain play style, seeing it return is a bummer - especially because the rest of the challenge lineup appears to be fast and fun.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 launches on October 28 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.
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Source: Insider Gaming