Gta 5
There are dozens of challenges starring Gta 5 and one of them is the so-called pacifist run or completing the game with the fewest possible kills: Matthew Judge, who is known on Twitch and YouTube as DarkViperAU has been committed for three years to trying to finish the Rockstar Game record title in the most pacifist way possible, but the best he has managed to get is just under triple digits. In fact, it has been discovered that it is impossible to get to the end of Grand Theft Auto 5 without taking out at least 96 opponents who meet along the way in the various missions related to the main story.The rules of the pacifist run are very simple: no cheats and no mods, you have to end the game only with the kills necessary to move forward, trying not to create collateral damage. Something very difficult in Gta 5 and anyone who has played it even for half an hour knows it well, since it doesn't take much to run over a pedestrian during a mission or cause innocent victims in deadly shootings. For this reason it took three years of testing and over 1000 hours of gameplay to reach the minimum possible number of 96 characters to be eliminated to reach the end of the game.
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The video that tells the record pacifist run
As shown in the video above, for some missions it was necessary to engage in dozens of tests to understand the minimum number of opponents to be eliminated and at the same time protect yourself adequately without having to make a massacre every time. The result of 96 kills may seem high, but it acquires a completely different dimension when you consider that the first estimates assumed over 700 kills for a pacifist run. The challenges on Gta 5 seem not to go out of fashion yet and are a good way to fill the wait for Gta 6, which recently was the protagonist of the biggest leak in gaming history.
GTA 5’s Trevor, Steven Ogg, sends “annoyed, berating” vid to GTA 6 fan
GTA 5 Trevor actor Steven Ogg has sent a Cameo video to one Rockstar fan who describes his response as “annoyed” and “berating”. The performer was asked to record a message for the GTA 6 characters Jason and Lucia warning them about the dangers of Vice City in the upcoming sandbox game.
Hugo One, a GTA speedrunner and YouTuber, says they contacted Ogg using the celebrity video message site Cameo and paid the actor $140 USD to record a message in character as Trevor telling Jason and Lucia (the rumoured protagonists of GTA 6) to “be careful in Vice City” and “watch out for the cops in Port Gellhorn”, one of the supposed districts in Rockstar’s next open-world game. “Tell them that ‘maybe you’ll see them out there.’ Feel free to be crazy,” Hugo One claims to have written in their Cameo request to Ogg.
Responding to Hugo One’s request, Ogg sends a video through Cameo saying “I’m not Trevor. My name is Steven, and I’m an actor,” before recording the lines requested by Hugo One.
“He [Hugo One] wanted me to give you this message from Trevor,” says Ogg, “which, of course, I’m not Trevor. My name is Steven. And I am an actor. So, I get it, in a sense, and I don’t get it in a big sense as well. As actors you portray different characters and it would be literally impossible for me to be a cartoon. I can’t be… I need to get that off my chest. I just sometimes don’t f*****g understand. I get it and I don’t get it, right.
“Hugo wanted to make sure that both of you are careful in Vice City,” Ogg continues. “I don’t know what that is. I think it’s maybe part of the GTA thing. But anyway it’s dangerous out there. Watch out for the cops in Port Gellhorn – I don’t understand that reference. And I’ll see you out there, because I’m a cartoon, right? Because none of it’s real. What a f*****g world.”
Posting the Cameo video to their YouTube channel, Hugo One explains that they wanted to create a “cross connection from GTA 5 and GTA 6,” but that the response from Ogg “wasn’t exactly what I was expecting.”
“I thought this was a great opportunity to get Trevor from GTA 5 to connect with the new characters from GTA 6,” Hugo One explains. “So I got the Cameo back from Steven Ogg and it wasn’t exactly what I was expecting. He seemed a little bit annoyed about me asking him to be Trevor again, rather than Steven Ogg.
“I thought he came off like quite the d**k, to be honest. I requested that he be this character that he’s famous for and talk about the world that that character lives in, and he took at as some kind of insult to him as an actor, and I thought that was a little unnecessary to spend a couple of minutes berating me for asking him to be Trevor instead of being himself. I thought that’s what Cameo was for. I thought that was why I paid all this money.”
Steven Ogg has also appeared in The Walking Dead, Snowpiercer, Better Call Saul, and Westworld. He played Trevor Phillips, the unhinged, violent, and temperamental partner in crime to Michael and Franklin in GTA 5’s story mode which released in 2013.
“I don’t know if I was wrong or he was out of line here,” Hugo One continues. “It’s not uncommon for celebrities to portray their characters in Cameo. I don’t know if he’s trying to get away from it, or if he thinks I’m disrespecting him as an actor by asking him to be this character. I’m not totally sure what’s going on here. I want to get other people’s perspectives on what happened here.”
Of course, we all want to know what’s happening with the next Rockstar crime saga, especially as we learn more about the coveted GTA 6 release date. In the meantime, however, you might want to try out some of the best GTA 5 mods, or perhaps try a different take on the game with the best GTA RP servers, where you can play as basically anyone or anything you like.