Project Orion is therefore the official code name of the new chapter of Cyberpunk 2077 that will be the sequel to the title that has almost miraculously recovered from a disastrous debut, even exceeding the million active users per day driven by a series on Netflix and a substantial themed update. The setting of the sequel to Cyberpunk 2077 will always find space in the universe created by Mike Pondsmith and will be preceded by another expansion entitled Phantom Liberty expected for 2023, which should give a new game propulsion. Project Orion will be developed by the Cd Projekt Red North America division which in addition to the Vancouver team will also rely on a new studio inaugurated in Boston.
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Still using star names, the other projects focus mainly on The Witcher series. Sirius will be aimed at both those who are already passionate and those who approach this universe for the first time and is described simply as innovative. Polaris will be an RPG set in an open world and will usher in a new trilogy of the series, while Canis Majoris will be another single player open world RPG that will take up some details of the original story of The Witcher, but for now no more is known. Finally, Project Hadar will be a new series detached from Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher and is described as incubating from 2021, but even in this case no other details are released.