This Volkswagen Lamando 5XL is almost 3 meters wide

This Volkswagen Lamando 5XL is almost 3 meters wide

China confirms itself as a land of oddities, and today's one comes from a TikTok user who has published a video on the famous social platform in which his customized Volkswagen Lamando is present: the Lamando is a compact model sold on the Asian market which is also available in an "L" version with a longer wheelbase, but @justinbuildcars wanted to overdo it by creating a Lamando 5XL that can accommodate 8 people.

These days it is difficult to distinguish a Photoshop done well by reality, but Justin has proven in every way that his creation really exists: his Lamando 5XL is almost 3 meters wide, almost double the original size - the term "wide body" is perfectly embodied in this creation , which has been carefully designed to make the most of the extra space.

Looking at the published videos, one cannot help but be surprised by the quality of this personalized workmanship: the car has only been enlarged on one side but the symmetry has been strictly respected, and also the rest of the modified components to fit the wider width it looks like it came straight out of a Volkswagen factory.