The new squad, which includes old presences and new "athletes", is made up of the best minds who took part in CyberChallenge.IT, the advanced training course in the field of computer security curated and implemented by the National Laboratory of Cybersecurity of CINI (National Interuniversity Consortium for Informatics). Just a few months ago, on June 30, the final of CyberChallenge.IT was held, which was attended by 204 young people from 34 Italian universities and institutes.
Under the guidance of the coach Mario Polino and the supervision of the team coordinator, Gaspare Ferraro, the team will be composed of Stefano Alberto, Gianluca Altomani, Lorenzo Demeio, Marco Meinardi and Giovanni Minotti for the seniors; the new recruits are Carlo Collodel, Mario Del Gaudio, Antonio Napolitano, Tito Sacchi and Matteo Schiff.
The TeamItaly in the new formation will officially meet on September 4th in Turin, for the first retreat. Here the national team will have the opportunity to fine-tune their strategies in view of the approaching competition. On Friday 9 September at 2.30 pm the new squad will be presented to the public with a press conference - also broadcast online - in the halls of the ITC ILO in Turin, which has hosted the team's activities for years.
Over the years, TeamItaly, thanks to its highly specialized training, has been among the main protagonists of the Capture the flag (Ctf, a sort of digital flag stealer) competitions in which each team must discover the digital vulnerabilities of the infrastructures opponents, while defending their own.
A playing field well known to the Italian team which, thanks to CINI and the sponsors who support it - aizoOn, BV TECH Group, Cisco, Cybertech, Eni, Telsy and WhiteJar.io - has received the applause of industry experts, also being recognized by the Prime Minister during a meeting at Palazzo Chigi with Prime Minister Mario Draghi.
"An opportunity that also testifies to the importance of the skills cultivated by young athletes in the scenario of the digitized world, where more and more companies, individuals and public administrations depend on the digital avant-garde to achieve their goals" he declared Paolo Prinetto, director of the National Cybersecurity Laboratory: "The annual organization of a team retreat is also in this sense, which aligns itself with national strategies on IT security, promoting cyber skills as an asset for the country system and supporting young experts in a training course of excellence, unique in Europe, with the prospect of a better defensive capacity for companies and institutions ".