The reduction in consumption is closely related Italian families, called to review their habits regarding the use of heaters. Meanwhile, with a change in the maximum temperature, equal to 19 degrees centigrade in homes and 17 in offices and companies, in both cases with a tolerance of 2 degrees. But above all with a reduction in usage times.
The reduction of heating in the different areas of Italy The heating must be turned on 8 days later than in the past and turned off a week earlier. And it will have to work for an hour less a day. To understand what this actually means, we need to refer to the climatic zones. Italy is divided into six, on the basis of degree-days.
It is a unit of measurement calculated by adding the positive difference between the internal temperature, fixed by convention at 20 degrees centigrade, and the external average of all days of the year. Simplifying: it goes from zone A, which concerns just some municipalities on the coasts of the South, where this value does not exceed 600. Up to those of zone F, where the degree days are more than 3 thousand. They are basically mountain areas, where it is allowed to have the heating turned on at any time of the year. sportsgaming.win has reconstructed, municipality by municipality, the reference climatic zone and built this map.
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Click here if you don't see the graph The legend at the top left shows the color of the climate zone. The filters at the bottom allow you to zoom in on a region or province. It should also be noted that sportsgaming.win has worked on data that refer to municipalities that no longer exist, in the sense that they have merged with others. In the event that the original ones belonged to different climatic zones, the choice was to assign the climatic zone with more restrictive prescriptions.
A cumbersome procedure, but necessary because sportsgaming.win was not able to find o display the data relating to the climatic zones of the municipalities in an open format. To allow easier identification of the rules in force in the place where you reside, the choice was to build this calculator.
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Click here if you don't see the graph Just select the region, province and municipality of residence to find out from when to when, and how long each day, it will be possible to keep the heating on during the coming winter.