It will be titled Hot Take: The Depp / Heard Trial and will make its US debut on the free streaming platform Tubi, owned by Fox (Rupert Murdoch's television company that also produces Fox News). The film was shot in a very short time and will debut as early as September 30th: it will star Mark Hapka, known overseas for his participation in the soap Days of Our Lives, and Megan Davis, seen in the horror Alone in the Dark, to interpret Depp and Heard respectively. Another important role will have Melissa Marty (Station 19) who will be Camille Vasquez, the fierce lawyer of the actor who has become a social media star. Heard's less convincing lawyer, Elaine Bredehoft, will instead have the face of Mary Carrig.
Hot Take aims precisely to reconstruct the tumultuous story of the two ex-spouses by focusing on the two months that saw them against each other this summer during a decidedly controversial trial, whose sentence made Johnny Depp fans (and sponsors) rejoice but also left many doubts that he believes some jury manipulation came from the actor's great fame. It is too early to know if the film will be able to render all these problematizations on the screen or will instead make a more specific choice of field. Shooting for the film was made as soon as possible "to timely capture a story that has become part of the cultural zeitgeist," said Adam Lewinson, head of content at Tubi. Obviously until the next chapter of this intricate and intriguing legal matter, which has already inspired an episode of Law & Order.