Menyr is the dream story-telling engine for every RPG lover

Menyr is the dream story-telling engine for every RPG lover

Never before in this historical period has the world of paper and videogame RPGs been more and more cohesive. Fans of this genre can enjoy a plethora of different franchises and experiences, but the news is always around the corner for these worlds. Just recently, a group of developers presented Menyr, a new project linked to the world of role-playing games that could revolutionize the process of creating various RPG campaigns and video games.

if ( jQuery ("# ​​crm_srl-th_gamedivision_d_mh2_1"). This fantastic creative tool is being developed by NOG, a small French development studio that specializes in processing productions in Unreal Engine and with real-time graphics engines. In the past, the team has also worked with large gaming companies such as EA and Ubisoft, proving that they have a respectable track record. NOG promises that Menyr will allow players to build gigantic worlds up to 60 square miles that are fully customizable.| ); } The first thing to do in Menyr is to create your own game world, either through procedural generation or using hand tools, or a combination of both. At that point it is time to create castles, dungeons, characters and cities. Furthermore, in the tool it is possible to import 3D models and 2D textures for characters and other objects. The Kickstarer page, which has already reached and exceeded the monetary target requested by the development team, is full of details, images and explanatory videos on the project, and you can visit it by clicking on this address.