Raspberry Pi unlocks locks with facial recognition

Raspberry Pi unlocks locks with facial recognition

The community of enthusiasts who give free rein to their imagination through the use of Single Board Computers such as Raspberry Pi is growing more and more. On the pages of geekinco we talk to you quite frequently about the most interesting projects that appear on the web and the protagonist of today's news is a project created by Dillon McCardell who used a Raspberry Pi to create an automated system for closing and opening of ports via facial recognition, called AuraLock.

The AuraLock system is based on a Raspberry Pi, paired with a Servo PWM Pi HAT and some additional components, such as a 12MP camera module, an LED, a servo, a magnetic door sensor and an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) MCP3008. The various parts communicate with each other via a custom PCB, while everything is placed inside a 3D printed case designed using SolidWorks and Fusion360.

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In practice, AuraLock uses the camera to detect potential faces. When a face is recognized, and is among those authorized, the Raspberry Pi activates the unlocking of the lock. Subsequently, users will have the opportunity to enter the room and possibly unlock the door manually or through the dedicated application. The software developed by McCardell is quite complex but, fortunately, the maker has made all the necessary files available for free on the official project page, in case you want to replicate it.