Diablo Immortal
Despite the constant criticism of the microtransaction system and some bugs that are making smooth progression unclear and impossible, Diablo Immortal remains one of the most played games by users. This obviously led
Blizzard to launch
more and more patches and introduce new content in the title. Over the next few hours, the game will receive a very substantial update, which will introduce a series of corrective innovations and a new event.
The new event, called Fractured Plane, is an event in limited time that will ask players to take a level to players in roguelike mode. It
will not be possible to use your own equipment, but a series of pre-selected skills. The further you go through the event, the more Chaos coins will be earned, which can be used to buy new items in the in-game shop. Arriving at the fifteenth floor of the level without dying more than five times,
it will be possible to choose a legendary item that will remain in the possession of the players forever.
The new patch is already available starting today 17 August 2022, after two hours of maintenance of the servers of Diablo Immortal. In fact, to apply the update, Blizzard necessarily had to shut down the game servers and make them unusable for several hours. Keep following geekinco for all the news and announcements in the pipeline from
the world of video games.
Diablo Immortal update adds roguelike event – patch notes
Patch notes for the August 17 Diablo Immortal update introduce a whole range of new events and items to the fantasy game. The Diablo Immortal update adds several new limited-time events to the RPG game including a roguelike mode, a way to experience being Immortal in PvP without joining the Immortals faction yourself, and a wealth of new legendary items offering players the potential for some fresh Diablo Immortal builds.
The Diablo Immortal update goes live after server maintenance, which takes place on August 17 from 1-3am PT / 4-6am ET / 9-11am BST / 6-8pm AET for servers in Europe and the Americas. If you’re on a server in Oceania, China, East Asia, or Southeast Asia, maintenance takes place on August 16 from 5-7pm PT / 8-10pm PT (August 17 at 1-3am BST / 10am-12pm AET). All updates and events in the patch will be live once maintenance ends, unless specifically noted otherwise.
Perhaps the most notable addition is the Fractured Plane limited-time event, which is somewhat of a roguelike game mode that tasks players with tackling a 15-floor gauntlet without any of their usual gear, gems, or skills. Instead, players will have a pre-selected skill set and will have to equip ‘unstable legendary gear’ that drops as they progress through the Fractured Plane. As you progress, you will earn Chaos Coins that can be spent on new items or Shards of Fortune – the latter of which will increase your chance to get high-quality items from the plane’s chests. If you can make it to the fifteenth floor without dying five times or more, you can choose six of your found unstable legendary items and one will be awarded at random for you to keep in the main game.
Also coming is the Echo of the Immortal. Running from August 17 – September 14, Echo of the Immortal is a repeatable PvP game mode for players at level 40 or higher. It’s a way to try out playing as an Immortal without having to first join the Immortals faction, with one randomly chosen player awarded the power of the Immortal to face off against fifteen other regular players. If the group can successfully best the Immortal, they will face off against one another in a free-for-all to claim the mode’s ultimate reward.
Another limited-time Event, Into the Dark Wood, will be active from August 17-31, and sends players into the Dark Wood to complete daily tasks in order to rack up milestone rewards including a new portrait frame. The Hungering Moon event is also returning from August 26-29, tasking players with its usual tasks to earn blessings and eventually the Moon’s favour.

Elsewhere, thirty-six new Diablo Immortal legendary items have been introduced, and Treasure Goblins now have a chance to drop legendary items alongside an overall increase to the amount of loot they drop when defeated. There are also some tweaks to remove some of the warband requirements after players expressed their dislike for the Diablo Immortal warbands system, and a lowering of the multiplayer requirement for Hell dungeons to help address players frustrated with Diablo Immortal dungeon queues.
Diablo Immortal patch notes for August 17
New Fractured Plane limited-time event.New Echo of the Immortal PvP game mode: active August 17 – September 14 at 3am server time.New Into the Dark Wood limited-time event: runs August 17-31 at 3am server time.Hungering Moon event: runs August 26-29 at 3am server time.New Spawn of Damnation cosmetic set available in in-game shop.You can now enter a Dungeon or Hidden Lair in Hell Two or higher difficulties with two, three, or four players. The Dungeon’s intensity will remain tuned for four players. Completing a Dungeon or Hidden Lair with four players will provide you with a bonus chest.The Codex step of needing to start a Warband Camp has been changed to be – join a Warband.The Hero’s Journey step to submit 10 Warband Chests has been removed.You can now essence transfer onto Reservist Gear after changing your class.Vault of the Immortal – Raid the Vault event window has been shortened from two hours to one.Treasure Goblins now have a chance to drop Legendary items. They will also provide more loot in general when defeated.New Diablo Immortal Legendary ItemsBarbarian
Armor Caste (Chest): Furious Charge creates shock waves when colliding with walls, dealing X damage to nearby enemies and Stunning them for Y seconds.Grinning Effigy (Head): Taking damage during Undying Rage now triggers a counterattack for X damage to all nearby enemies. Cannot occur more often than once every Y seconds.Haughty Behemoth (Pants): Leap now knocks enemies into the air when you land.The Hewer (Main Hand): Grab now causes you to charge forward and grab the first enemy you hit. If you successfully grab an enemy, you will carry them for a short distance, damaging enemies you run though, before leaping into the air and slamming them into the ground, damaging and Slowing nearby enemies.Steel Lamprey (Off-Hand): Chained Spear now marks enemies for X seconds and heals you for Y% of the damage it causes to marked enemies.Wreckfall (Shoulders): Whirlwind also reduces all damage you take by X% while channeling.Crusader
Batterhythm (Off-Hand): Condemn damage increased by X% for every enemy hit, up to a maximum of Y% increased damage.Flare-to-Mirror (Pants): Draw and Quarter is now electrified, damaging random nearby enemies and Stunning them if they are shocked three times.Hard Censure (Chest): Condemn now calls down a thunderbolt from the heavens to a targeted location, dealing continuous damage.Shining Aster (Shoulders): Increases all damage you deal during Conjuration of Light by X%.Suspended Rule (Main Hand): Sweep Attack now throws the flail, forming a cyclone that picks up nearby enemies and carries them away.Zerratus Husk (Head): Shield Charge now grants you a holy shield while charging that reflects projectiles back at enemies, dealing X damage.Demon Hunter
Clutching Nails (Pants): Knife Trap now confines nearby enemies when triggered and increases all damage you deal to them.Decisive Report (Shoulders): Multishot now knocks enemies away. This cannot affect players more often than one time every six seconds.Scatter Mask (Head): Activating Vengeance now immediately deals X damage to all nearby enemies and causes them to flee in Fear for Y seconds.Spreading Shroud (Chest): Spreading Shroud (Chest): Smoke Screen now throws a smoke bomb at a targeted location, dealing continuous damage and greatly reducing vision for enemies that remain in the area.The Thud (Off-Hand): Impale damage increased by X% to enemies with an active harmful effect.War Generosity (Main Hand): Every X attacks with Explosive Arrow generates an explosion that knocks the enemy away. Players cannot be knocked away more often than 1 time every Y seconds.Monk
Assemble the Wicked Tonfa (Off-Hand): Exploding Palm now gathers nearby enemies into a cluster directly in front of you. Maximum one charge.Fleeting Soul Tonfa (Main Hand): Mystic Allies now summons one spirit ally that rushes in a direction, dealing damage to all enemies it passes through and forcing all nearby enemies to attack it.Fusing Crown (Head): Mystic Allies now protect you, taking X% of your incoming damage.Pacific Pledge (Chest): Taking damage during Shield of Zen has a chance to trigger a counterattack dealing X damage to all nearby enemies.Shimmerlinn (Shoulders): Wave of Light now releases a wave of energy that damages all enemies in its path and Burns them.Tottering Tower (Pants): Flying Kick now Stuns enemies and can be charged to unleash a more powerful blow.Necromancer
Abnegation (Shoulders): Bone Spikes now also knocks enemies away.Drifter’s Fare (Off-Hand): Bone Spirits now unleashes a powerful skull that wanders randomly through nearby enemies, dealing damage as it passes through them. Maximum X charges.Empty Pit (Pants): Dark Curse now summons a cursed eye that forces nearby monsters to attack it.Ethereal Boundary (Chest): Activating Wraith Form removes all effects which cause loss of control or decrease Movement Speed.Inseverable Two (Head): Your golem from Command Golem now takes X% of your incoming damage.Thrash Jaw (Main Hand): Grim Scythe now hurls the scythe in a direction, striking enemies in its path with continuous damage and knocking them away. Grim Scythe can no longer have multiple charges.Wizard
Extraction Harness (Shoulders): Teleport now also removes the last harmful effect applied to you.Fragments Upon Fragments (Pants): Meteor now drops several meteorites in a direction, knocking enemies away and Stunning them.Halestone (Off-Hand): Ice Armor now protects you with X charges of damage immunity that also Chills nearby enemies when they attack you.Quiet Downpour (Chest): Lightning Nova now launches a giant nova, bursting into smaller novae when activated again or when it arrives at its final destination.Shiversent Stare (Head): Ray of Frost now Freezes enemies for X seconds after taking damage from the ray six times.Staggernick (Main Hand): Arcane Wind now knocks enemies up into the air with an updraft and Stuns them, but no longer charges up.Additional details and clarifications can be found on the Blizzard website.
If you’re just getting started in the multiplayer game, our Diablo Immortal tier list should help find the class that’s right for you. If you’re pushing towards the endgame, check out our guide on how to join the Diablo Immortal Shadow War. Meanwhile, players are still hopeful that a future update will include a Diablo 3 style pets system, and several of the game’s top Diablo Immortal clans say they are being mass reported in an attempt to interfere with their game.