"They asked me if I wanted to get involved and I said, 'Impossible to answer without seeing a script,'" Jackson said speaking on a Hollywood Reporter podcast: "So they told me as soon as I finished the first scripts they would have sent them to me. But those scripts have never been seen. "On the web it is already commented that it is a clear case of ghosting (disappearing without giving explanations, ed), but the director does not seem to have taken it too badly:" I'll watch it, I'm certainly not the type to wish people harm, "he specified:" Shooting something is hard enough. If someone makes a good film or a good series it is already something to celebrate ”. And he also underlines the advantages of not involving him: "I can't wait to see as an ordinary spectator".
It is not entirely clear why the production of The Rings of Power did not return to contact Jackson after the initial talks. Certainly there are precise reasons for the desire to keep the series well distanced from its films: "In obtaining the rights for the series we were obliged to keep it distinct and separate from the films (whose rights belong to Warner Bros., ed)" , Amazon Studios said: "We have the greatest respect for Peter Jackson and the Lord of the Rings movies and are thrilled that he can't wait to watch The Rings of Power." This, moreover, is consistent with what the creator of the series Patrick McKay had declared: "We think this is a quite distinct epic from what came before," he declared: "It has been the watchword since the first day, do something different yet familiar ”. We viewers will evaluate the result, together with Peter Jackson himself, from next September.