The always well-informed Mark Gurman reports these rumors. Bloomberg in its newsletter, which has already revealed several previews on the next iPhone 14 and which in the latest issue focused on advertisements within the iPhone apps. According to Gurman, the goal of increasing advertising revenues is one of the priorities of Apple's vice president of advertising, Todd Teresi, which should lead to the opening of new channels for displaying advertisements on the iPhone. The first app concerned would be Maps, already at the center of a series of preliminary tests with advertising aimed at accompanying the search for commercial activities in a specific geographical area. The same mechanisms already proposed on the App Store would be resumed, with advertisers paying to be featured in relation to certain search keywords.
The second step would involve the Podcast and Books apps, with advertisements always targeted to searches, and subsequently the strengthening of the presence of the ads on the same App Store with advertisements also in the Today section. Finally, even Apple TV + could be populated with advertisements following the model of other streaming services such as Netflix or Disney +, with cheaper subscription plans in the face of the display of ads on the various pages. If to find out which of these advances will become reality, all that remains is to wait for the next few months, in the meantime everything is ready for the presentation of the new iPhone 14, which could cost 15 percent more than the previous generation.