Yakuza 8
After the seventh main chapter released a couple of years ago, the Yakuka saga has undergone a series of important revolutions that have changed its experience. Not only did we move from a beat'em up game structure to a more classic turn-based JRPG, but also the creator of the saga himself, Toshihiro Nagoshi, gave way to other personalities of Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio before leaving SEGA. After the highly acclaimed Like a Dragon, now it's time to start discovering something new with the first information and images of Yakuza 8.We already knew that the Ichiban saga would continue with an eighth main chapter, and to reveal us some news on the next title in the series we thought the Japanese magazine Famitsu. With a couple of pages exclusively dedicated to Yakuza 8, which immediately bounced on the net. In detail we can see some images of the game and find out more about what will be the news of the new adventure by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio.
Famitsu just published the first look at YAKUZA 8 https://t.co/zlJyu7xSio
- Nibel (@Nibellion) July 19, 2022
In addition to this, thanks to some translations of the article we are also able to grasp some of the substantial novelties of Yakuza 8. In particular, there is talk of the presence of a new city, even if for now the name and not even the name is not revealed. inspiration that this setting will take. After Ichinjo, which is inspired by a part of Yokhohama, it therefore seems that Ichiban and companions will pack their bags and have to explore the secrets and activities of a new city.
Get your first look at Yakuza 8, which features Japanese MMA fighter Mikuru Asakura
Ryu Ga Gotoku has provided the first glimpse of Yakuza 8 off-screen footage through a video tour of its studio. Additionally, Japanese MMA fighter Mikuru Asakura will appear in the game.
In the studio tour video, footage of Yakuza 8 can be seen on the developers’ computer screens. This confirms that the main protagonist Ichiban Kasuga is returning, as well as his buddies Koichi Adachi and Yu Nanba.
Further along in the video, Sega president Haruki Satomi and RGG president Masayoshi Yokoyama meet with Asakura to offer him a spot in the game. Asakura accepts it and then goes in for his 3D modeling and motion capture shoot.
Satomi and Yokoyama both note that players will be able to experience a new city in Yakuza 8, and also that RGG is currently developing another separate game.
What RGG’s other game could be is currently unknown. Perhaps it could be a remaster or remake of older Yakuza games that were never released outside of Japan, like the two PlayStation Portable titles, Black Panther: Like a Dragon New Chapter and Black Panther 2: Like a Dragon Ashura Chapter, or 2014’s Yakuza Ishin. The project could also be an entirely new IP.
Yakuza 8 was already confirmed to be in development earlier this year when RGG revealed that it had made changes to its executive leadership roster after series creator Toshihiro Nagoshi left Sega to join Netease.
Yakuza 8 is currently the working title for the Japanese version of the game. Yakuza 7 was localized as Yakuza: Like a Dragon for its international release, so Yakuza 8 might follow a similar naming convention.
So far, no other information about Yakuza 8 has been revealed yet, such as which platforms the game will be on.
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