There's something odd about Jessica Jones' new opening credits on Disney +

There's something odd about Jessica Jones' new opening credits on Disney +

As diehard Marvel fans know, Daredevil, Jessica Jones and the other Defender series have been available on Disney + for a few weeks, i.e. those productions that, from 2015 to 2019, were produced by Marvel Television and Netflix. After Disney's decision to focus on its own streaming platform, those titles have slowly come out of the Netflix catalog and are now available on Disney +, in fact, but the most attentive observers have observed something strange. The detail concerns in particular the opening titles of Jessica Jones, those sequences that act as the theme song and precede the departure of the actual episode.

If you start the series on Disney +, in fact, you are currently you will see that in the sequence that introduces the title the writing A.K.A. Jessica Jones, with the addition of the acronym A.K.A. (also known as, aka, alias). This was supposed to be the original title of the series, to match the titles of the various episodes all starting the same way (A.K.A. Ladies Night, A.K.A. Crush Syndrome, A.K.A. It's Called Whiskey etc.).

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Many have wondered the reason behind such a change: certainly in recent times there is great ferment towards these characters who, despite having enormous possibilities, seemed set aside after the end of the collaboration with Netflix. But Charlie Cox's Matt Murdoch / Daredevil recently appeared in Spider-Man: No Way Home and a revival series about the same hero is officially in the works, while Vincent D'Onofrio's Kingpin appeared in the Hawkeye series.

Even for Jessica Jones and her interpreter on the small screen, Krysten Ritter, however, could be the time to return to the scene, and there are those who are rumored to be involved in the new Disney + series entitled Echo. There are no official confirmations yet, however, and this title change does not seem to be particularly linked to these new plans. In reality, after the initial clamor and the jumble of hypotheses, it seems the case is destined to completely fall: first of all the expression A.K.A. Jessica Jones appears only in the very first episode of the series, the others are still unchanged, and moreover this title is not found anywhere else, neither on Disney + nor on other video rental platforms. Trivially, they made it known by Disney, it was a loading error of the UHD / HDR version of the series, which ended up loading a previous version of the first episode. The uproar with which the small change was met, however, demonstrates the great attachment that fans still have for these characters.