The team from the Politecnico di Torino won the podium with the first place, followed by that of the Politecnico di Milano and the team from the University of Genoa, respectively in second and third place.
“It was nice to see that after five years from the first edition, the CyberChallenge.IT project continues to make thousands of students from all over Italy passionate about cybersecurity. This year's emotion was certainly amplified by the possibility of being able to meet again together to share a wonderful experience like this live ", said Gaspare Ferraro, coordinator of CyberChallenge.IT.
The ceremony took place. is opened with the moving memory of Camil Demetrescu, professor at the La Sapienza University of Rome and creator of CyberChallenge.IT, who died prematurely in April. Emilio Coppa, researcher at La Sapienza, remembered him as a positive model and an innovative teacher, always ready to put his students at the center.
Gianluca Galasso, Head of the operations service of the National Cybersecurity Agency (Acn), intervened remotely. In his keynote, Galasso recalled that the country, to be safer and more resilient, counts on young people who are training on cybersecurity issues. "Be contagious, be passionate", the exhortation that Galasso addressed to the boys and girls present in the hall of the ILO in Turin.
During the event, the three awarded teams presented their works, related to the world of IT security, in front of a parterre composed, among others, by the representatives of each of the Platinum sponsor companies who, together to the Gold and Silver sponsors, every year they allow the realization of the event (Platinum: Area, aizoOn, Bip, Gruppo BV TECH, Cisco, Cybertech, Eni, Numera, Telsy; WhiteJar.io, WINDTRE; Gold: Bonfiglioli, Capgemini, Cybergon , Leonardo, smeup, Telit; Silver: InfoCamere).
In closing, Paolo Prinetto, Director of the Cini National Cybersecurity Laboratory, expressed a wish: "Seeing the glass completely full, I hope that for the next year's edition of CyberChallenge.IT we can make a leap forward thanks to obtaining those significant funds foreseen by the PNRR, which we have requested for the entire training chain of the Laboratory. The time has come for important investments for this sector ”.