How to find a song title in a video using Chrome

How to find a song title in a video using Chrome

How many times have you seen a movie or episode of a TV series in a window of your browser and hear a song that has caught your attention. Fortunately, nowadays we have smartphone applications available that allow you to recognize the song being played on the fly, so as to save the title for later listening. However, you may not always have your mobile phone handy and it may be inconvenient to go and retrieve it to find out which song has struck you.

The next time you are watching your favorite content on Netflix, Disney +, Prime Video or other similar streaming services on Google Chrome, you can identify the song playing at that moment with a simple click. To do this, all you have to do is download the extension of Shazam, a company that was acquired by Apple in 2018 and whose app is used daily by millions of users around the world on Android and iOS to identify the songs that are played. in the surrounding environment.

How to use the Shazam Chrome extension to identify songs

Since Shazam belongs to Apple, it is also possible to connect your Apple Music account and directly listen to the song identified on the well-known music streaming service. Finally, if you want to delete the results history, just click on “Shazam” at the bottom and select “Delete All”.