Free Photoshop really exists and you can do (almost) everything

Free Photoshop really exists and you can do (almost) everything

Undoubtedly, photo editing and, more generally, image editing and management are very popular operations nowadays. One of the best known programs, especially for its historicity, is Photoshop, developed by Adobe. Currently, the program is offered through a subscription to an Adobe Creative Cloud plan. Precisely for this reason, many users have decided to find some alternatives, among which we can include Affinity Photo or Gimp, the latter completely free and open source.

Last October, Adobe made the web version available Photoshop, providing a simplified edition of the popular program, but equally suitable for quick photo edits. This is quite a useful tool when you need to collaborate with other people on various projects. Recently, the company updated PhotoShop Web, adding the ability to log in and create a new document from scratch, whereas previously it was necessary to import a file from the stand alone application.

Photo Credit: Adobe
Maria Yap, vice president of digital imaging at Adobe, said:

We want to make [Photoshop] more accessible and easier for more people to try and experience the product. I want Photoshop to meet users where they are now. You don't need a high-end machine to get into Photoshop.

Unfortunately, Adobe has not yet announced an inherent timeline for the launch of the freemium version of the program. Meanwhile, the company is continuing to update Photoshop Web with new tools to expand the product's capabilities.