While we are still waiting for a effective use of the Super Resolution on PS5 and Xbox Series X, it therefore seems that the Japanese company is trying to get on with the work, and many think that this feature may be linked to the announcement of the new PlayStation Plus.
Il The central point of upscaling the textures could in fact be to give a substantially better aspect to the PlayStation classics when they are run on PS5 and PS4, without the need to carry out real remastering works.
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The focus on textures is however interesting: Microsoft has made it possible to increase the resolution and frame rate of its classics on Xbox Series X | S, while leaving intact the definition of the textures and therefore the feeling of being in front of productions with a few years on the rump.
An effective upscaling of the textures would however solve this problem, especially where an increase in resolution and frame rate were already foreseen and taken for granted. At that point, only the complexity of the geometries, the quality of the animations and the effects in general would remain to prove the age of a game.
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