LEGO Star Wars
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga will receive in a few days a DLC featuring the protagonists of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, which appeared on the Xbox Store probably ahead of its time.Welcomed with excellent marks by the international press, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga will see the pack release on April 19th. Inside we will find the following characters:
Jyn Erso Cassian Andor Baze Malbus Bodhi Rook Chirrut Imwe Director Krennic K-2SO
"To save the rebellion we need of an unlikely team of heroes. With lightsabers, a staff, a heavy repeater cannon and more, these heroes (and a villain) are ready for battle, "reads the synopsis of the DLC on the Microsoft store.
TT Games and Warner Bros. therefore have every intention of further enriching the already substantial experience of LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga by adding heroes and villains from other chapters of the film saga.
Difficult imagine what the next DLC will be: given the vastness of the Star Wars universe between films, television series and cartoons, you will be spoiled for choice.
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LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Wiki Guide
Last Edited: 16 Apr 2022 1:39 pm
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga has a plethora of great characters for you to control, each with an assigned class that gives them unique abilities. Below is a breakdown of characters that are most versatile and worthwhile sticking with whilst exploring the open world or revisiting levels via Free Play.
ScavengersAs a rule of thumb, Scavengers are often the best class to have as your primary character, or at least your second NPC character. This is primarily because they have the most traversal options open to them at any one time. They can wall run and swing off of poles, but their craftable tools also allow for easy completion of many of the game's puzzles.
The Net Launcher enables access to higher areas/out of reach rewards, and their Glider is the best traversal mode in the game, enabling easy crossing of large distances; counter-intuitively this is far better than characters that have jetpacks, which also don’t act as an infinite flying option, but cover even less distance than the glider. The Glider can even be used cleverly to bypass some puzzles entirely, even those that might have had the intention of requiring a different character class to complete. These tools become even more effective once you upgrade the Scavenger Skill Tree, meaning they can climb nets faster and glide faster also.
Protocol DroidsBesides Scavengers, it is also a good idea to keep a Protocol Droid handy, as they can disassemble themselves to fit into small passageways, they can interact with Protocol Droid terminals and download passwords, and they can translate any language meaning you can understand and accept missions from any NPC across the Galaxy. Whilst there are some characters from other classes that hold this translation skill, like Han Solo and Ben Kenobi, Protocol Droids (for the most part) remain more versatile and useful moment to moment. This can of course be bypassed by purchasing the Universal Translator cheat via Datacards, but
Worthy of note, Protocol Droids also have the benefit of being able to bypass many normally hostile enemies in the open world and within missions without aggroing them.