The author himself talked about it in the page dedicated to the comments of the number 19 of Weekly Shonen Jump, available from Monday 11 April, in which he stated that he would like to try to draw a horror manga.
It is obviously only an intention of the author in a period of his life incredibly dedicated to the international success of the My Hero Academia franchise, but never say never. After all, his statement is fresh that everything was going to plan, he will conclude the My Hero Academia itself by the end of 2022.
We'll see the author's professional future.
My Hero Academia: the manga and the anime
My Hero Academia is made up of five seasons of which the first four are available for free streaming on the VVVVID platform, while the fifth only on Crunchyroll. The first four seasons and the OAVs were broadcast unencrypted by Mediaset networks, obviously dubbed in Italian, between 2018 and 2021. You can recover the series on home video thanks to Dynit which created 3 blu-ray boxes for the first two seasons , also with Italian audio, My Hero Academia Season 1, My Hero Academia Season 2 - Box 1 and My Hero Academia Season 2 - Box 2.
From March 2021 to September 2021 Season 5 was broadcast in simulcast on Crunchyroll also in our country and in Autumn 2022 Season 6 will start. Three films are also linked to the anime series: Two Heroes, HEROES RISING and World Heroes' Mission (in Italy distributed in cinemas for Dynit).
In a world where being superheroes is the norm, being born without particular powers is equivalent to a real e own misfortune. Izuku Midoriya will have to go all out to get a superpower, and despite the feat it seems impossible that anyone will end up noticing his abilities.