To strengthen the vaccination campaign, with the law decree 1 of 2022, the government had introduced two months ago the vaccination obligation for people over 50 years old, providing for a fine of 100 euros in case of non-compliance. The provision will expire on June 15 and by that date, those who are not vaccinated, have received only the first dose or the second without recall, will receive the file from the Revenue Agency at home, with the notification of the initiation of the sanctioning procedure. As soon as it is received, you can decide to pay the fine immediately or contest it.
The super green pass becomes mandatory at work: where are we with vaccines for over 50s? The reinforced green pass obligation for workers over 50 enters into force. The data shows a hard core of 1.7 million people who refuse the vaccine despite the obligation and restrictions Who can challenge the fine Within ten days, people who have refused the vaccine for health reasons or because they had Covid-19 in the past two months, they will have to report to the ASL that they have received the sanction and send a communication to the Revenue Agency, specifying that they have sent their own health company justifications for refusing the vaccine. Over the next ten days, the Local Health Authority will indicate to the Agency whether the fine should be imposed or not.
If the applicant's motivations are considered suitable, the proceeding will be closed immediately. On the contrary, if the ASL were to refuse the justifications presented, the sanctioning process will continue. In the following six months, debit notices will be sent via certified e-mail or registered letter with return receipt, with the value of an enforceable title. Whoever pays the fine after this second notification will also have to pay the costs, without prejudice to the 60 days to pay and the 30 days to appeal before a justice of the peace.