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Elden Ring: where to find all Map Fragments
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All the photos of the complete guide of Elden Ring 1 - Western tomb 2- Eastern tomb 3 - Peninsula of weeping 4 - North Caelid 5 - South Caelid 6 - Eastern Liurnia 7 - Northern Liurnia 8 - Western Liurnia 9 - Altus Plateau 10 - Leyndell, Royal Capital 11 - Mount Gelmir 12 - Peaks of the Eastern Giants 13 - Peaks of the Western Giants 14 - Siofra River - To go down to the small area of the Siofra River you will need to use the elevator in the Witchwood. The map fragment is found on a corpse in front of the large temple on the right with the remains of the deer inside. 15 - Consecrated Snow Field 16 - Ainsel River - To descend into the Ainsel River, use the elevator in East Liurnia north of the Cariana Study Room. The map fragment is located in the temple to the south after the Uhl ruins to the south. Fragments of a map without a number in the map
Putrescent lake: Find the fragment on a corpse on the beach as soon as you reach the lake. Abyss between the roots: find the fragment on a corpse in a small stone gazebo in the center of the area.