How to see it Full Moons - or full moons - occur when the Earth is between the Moon and the Sun: it is at this moment that the lunar hemisphere illuminated by the Sun is entirely visible from our planet and appears in the sky as a very bright sphere. As Space.com reports, if viewed with binoculars or a small telescope, in those days the full Moon of April 2022 will appear so bright that some details on its surface are lost: the best times to observe it, in fact, would be at sunrise or at setting of our satellite (whose times can be checked here), or a few days before or after the days of the full moon, so that there is a little more shadow that can bring out more details.
Why Pink Moon? Similarly to other astronomical events that have our satellite as their protagonist (such as, for example, the Strawberry Moon or the Blue Moon), the colors of the lunar surface matter very little. Pink Moon, in fact, refers to the name given by Native Americans to the full moon in April which, as for the Moons of each month of the year, has been published since the 1930s by Maine Farmer's Almanac. Therefore, according to the almanac, the first spring full moon was called pink because of this color are the flowers of the Phlox subulata plant, a species belonging to the Polemoniaceae family, which blooms in this period in the United States. That's not all: other names include the Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon and the Fish Moon (a name used by coastal Native American tribes). In addition, this Moon is also called Easter Moon, precisely because the Christian holiday is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon of spring (this year, therefore, Sunday 17 April).
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