Anna Delvey of Inventing Anna wants to conquer the art world

Anna Delvey of Inventing Anna wants to conquer the art world

Anyone who has seen Inventing Anna, the Netflix miniseries dedicated to one of the most skilled and multifaceted scammers of recent decades, knows that Anna Delvey, or rather Anna Sorokin, is always someone who somehow falls on her feet. After years of convincing the New York elite that they are the rich daughter of a tycoon and thus raising millions of dollars for her elusive center for young artists, Delvey spent four years in a New York penitentiary and is currently in one of the detention centers of Immigration and Customs Enforcements (Ice), the American institution that deals with legal immigrants, while waiting for the sentence that will decide on her extradition to Germany, the country where she was born. However, this did not prevent her from dealing with one of her greatest passions: art indeed.

Precisely during the pandemic, given that all the more reason Delvey defined her imprisonment as "a very extensive quarantine, only in the company of murderers and with the difference that we can still get our hair done ", the young woman has devoted herself to several hobbies, including painting. Now, in a further attempt to monetize any of her actions, she has also found one space in which to exhibit his works of art. From March 17 to 24, in fact, an exhibition entitled Free Anna Delvey was held, organized by the artists Julia Morrison and Alfredo Martinez (the latter also known to justice for having sold fake Basquiat). The exhibition was a collective of artists, gathered with the intention of asking precisely for justice for the woman, unjustly accused of fraud according to them. But the heart of the exhibition was certainly Delvey's paintings, which M artinez has sometimes elaborated, colored and enlarged, given that in prison the means of drawing are in any case limited.

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From the videos that Delvey herself uploaded to Instagram, the exhibition, accompanied by live band performances and crowds of onlookers, didn't exactly look like one of those prestigious paints she was proud to participate in. Despite everything, now the alleged heiress hopes to be able to debut with her first solo exhibition: "The monographic exhibition will be by invitation and will focus on a clientele of celebrities, in contrast to this more free-range collective", said Chris Martine. art dealer who is dealing with the sale of his paintings. Some say they are already worth around 10 thousand dollars, but with Anna Delvey any deal could always take the most unexpected turn.