No more constructions, then , to protect yourself from enemy ambushes or to create diversions: now you will have only one additional shield to use reasonably. Some details in battle also change with the ability to shoot at high speed (but be careful what you carry) also to break through doors and climb to favorable positions. Through ingots you can finance the supply of pro-rebellion devices and vote which items to recover from the warehouse, but also provide an armored battle bus.
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It takes just a few seconds of watching the official video trailer of the new season Fortnite's Rebellion to find more than one affinity with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, both for the horde of countless tanks breaking into the game world both for the contrast of the characters of the users, who fight with their unconventional means against much more professional enemies. It is also worth underlining how the title in English is Resistance, or Resistance.
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However, it is unthinkable that Epic Games has managed to develop an entire season so full of news in the short period of time since the outbreak of the conflict, the more likely that the emotional wave has risen a bit. Furthermore, the videogame production house has already moved to the forefront in support of humanitarian associations committed to helping the Ukrainian population such as UNICEF, WFP, Refugees and Direct Relief. Over 45 million euros have already been raised.