Instagram will show inclusive pronouns on user profiles

Instagram will show inclusive pronouns on user profiles

A new profile setting will allow Instagram profiles to let their followers know which pronouns to use to address them

Setting up Instagram for inserting pronouns (image: Instagram) Instagram has announced that it will allow its users to insert inclusive pronouns on their profile to use to address them. Until now, users who wanted to inform their followers about which pronouns to use to address them had to insert them themselves in the bio, now the social network has added this item in their profile settings.

Add pronouns to your profile ✨

The new field is available in a few countries, with plans for more.

- Instagram (@instagram) May 11, 2021

Users can choose up to 4 pronouns to add and, subsequently, they can choose whether to make them publicly viewable or reserve them only for followers (for underage users the setting reserved for followers only will be set by default). Once the pronouns have been set, they will appear, in a lighter color, on the profile page next to the user's name

A user can still send a request to the social network by filling in an ad hoc form to add a missing pronoun .

With this small update, Instagram shows itself to be attentive to the needs of inclusiveness. For the moment, Instagram has made it known briefly, through a tweet, that this setting will be available in "a few countries", without specifying which ones.

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